
Thank you for visiting my blog to read about my journey from upper level dressage to natural horsemanship..... Wow what a journey it has been..... every day is an opportunity to learn and grow. Never ending self improvement in all aspects of life..... Life is good, live in the moment and keep it natural.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Spring Shots!

3-11-11 Today was spring shots.... Lordy was super for the vet. He stood like a gentleman in the paddock for his shot and coggins to be drawn. He partnered right up and it was so easy! Afterwards we played lightly online. The arena was a tad soggy and after shots wanted to take it easy. Played with the basics and some liberty as well. Lordy absolutely loves the pedestal. He can put front feet, all 4 and hind feet up. It is like a magnet for him... I really think it is his favorite toy. Although he did play all on his own at liberty with the ball and was trying to pick up and shake the hula hoop. For my LBI this kind of play is wonderful and inspiring to see. He used to NEVER play with anything.... Parelli is really helping him to unlock his mind, get curious and have fun! Whoo Hoooooo

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