3-24-11 Today's focus was back to ground driving from zone 5 with feather lines. I still can not believe how light and responsive Lordy was! Wow all my hackamore riding with consistency has made all the difference in the world. It is actually quite fun and enjoyable to ground drive.... although I need to get in better physical shape to run through the arena sand and keep up... LOL. For sure I am working on my physical fitness!
Once I got a good tempo going - meaning I was running as fast as I could in my boots ready to cough up a lung after a few loops around the sandbox.... Lordy actually did fantastic. He maintained his gait and turned on the lightest line pressure. I also had a nice attempt at leg yield zig zags where I moved from side to side behind him to encourage the lateral movement. Of course after that I had to swallow my lung...... :)
Well - my BFO was Lordy stalls out when I just shuffle along behind him. I must maintain a good strong forward gait....... Not a BFO - I need to get in better shape!
I guess never ending self improvement rings in my head.... AGAIN!
Savvy On-
Sand is not easy to run in, no matter how good of shape you are in! LOL The feather lines are great though, need to get mine out again! Sounds like you are having a great time.