
Thank you for visiting my blog to read about my journey from upper level dressage to natural horsemanship..... Wow what a journey it has been..... every day is an opportunity to learn and grow. Never ending self improvement in all aspects of life..... Life is good, live in the moment and keep it natural.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Hackamore Game of Contact!

3-23-11 Today was warm.... Lordy is so not a summer horse... LOL Plus all his hair right now. Saddled up and headed for the sandbox (arena). Playing in the hackamore. I am amazed with the results..... I have been focused on freestyle riding in the hackamore. Always playing careful attention to lightness and feel. Looking for no opposition reflex to the rein. Appropriate responses to pressure. Today I had a HUGE BFO (blinding flash of the obvious). After a quick freestyle warm up at WTC I moved on to playing the game of contact and more finesse rein feel... WOW was I ever surprised at the lightness and ease of the contact. Numerous times Lordy stretched down and really come through his back. He followed my phases and feel it was so amazing. I came to realize today that all my freestyle riding had so much purpose and it is so paying off with finesse and of course the other day ground driving with feather lines from zone 5. I know one thing... I sure underestimated the power of teaching your horse their responsibilities through freestyle. Being a gal with tradition riding background... thank you Parelli program for teaching me Freestyle. Better late than never! LOL

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