
Thank you for visiting my blog to read about my journey from upper level dressage to natural horsemanship..... Wow what a journey it has been..... every day is an opportunity to learn and grow. Never ending self improvement in all aspects of life..... Life is good, live in the moment and keep it natural.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Lake Norman Pony Club

WOW what an honor to work with 16 wonderful girls.... I was blessed to be able to share some Parelli Natural Horsemanship with these very focused and talented girls. As always I love sharing information and meeting new horses and humans.... :)

Each of them expressed a "nugget" of information that they learned during their session. Awesome..... I hope my path will cross again in the future as I enjoyed my time at the farm.

Thanks again to all for your respect, attention and focus. Remember to keep it natural when you can and enjoy the ride......


Thursday, September 23, 2010

Launch of the new website

I am excited I have just finished the first launch of my website.....

Trainee to Official.....

I have had the privilege of working with some amazing horses and humans over the past 2 weeks. I have completed my 50 free hours to Parelli and I am excited to be on my way to being an official Licensed Parelli Professional - 1 star!!! Whoo Hooooo........

Thank you to all of the humans that decided to come and receive a "first" exposure to the 7 games of PNH or 7 communications... It was a pleasure to share and hope to have an opportunity to inspire, educate and empower you all..... for years to come.... Never ending self improvement.......

Thank you again for all of your support - you know who you are and there are just too many to list..... You all rock... Savvy on and keep it natural......


Sunday, September 12, 2010

Lessons have begun!

I am enjoying the thrill of teaching humans! Started my Parelli teaching journey yesterday with 4 wonderful students online. Each of them brought something special to the session..... The journey is awesome and I love the challenge of being the best coach and mentor I can be. Lordy was a super boy today during a demonstration of some of the communications we are playing with. It is a totally different experience to play and talk at the same time...... LOL

I am so looking forward to helping others live their dream with their partners and realizing Parelli is way more than riding! Possibilities are endless and most of all FUN!

Savvy on-

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Settling in.........

Well back from Parelli-Land........ and settling in..... I am busy getting things in order to gain my "official" 1 Star! I am excited to share all that I learned with others... making the world a better place for horses and humans... How exciting.....

I have had a few great rides with Lordy since I have returned.... Playing with "Game of Contact" as Linda Parelli calls it..... Her demo was excellent! Thank you...... Lordy and I are playing well with that and he is so relaxed and light.... The feeling is amazing! We are also playing with freestyle...and follow the rail... a simple concept... LOL BUT we do need work...... LOL

Every day I ride in my fluidity saddle I love it more and more. Lordy brings his back up so nice under me. He feels amazing through his back and his strides have doubled since making the change.....

Life is good...... Family is well and I am loving the quality time with my partner Lordy....
Life is ready to get busy as I share my services with some great like minded folks!

Keep it natural-
PS. Working hard on finishing up my new website launching.. www.dawnsroth.com