
Thank you for visiting my blog to read about my journey from upper level dressage to natural horsemanship..... Wow what a journey it has been..... every day is an opportunity to learn and grow. Never ending self improvement in all aspects of life..... Life is good, live in the moment and keep it natural.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

At the Parelli Ranch - Florida

I arrived safely to Florida. Weather is wonderful. I just settled into the lodge at the Parelli Ranch. It is quiet here today....... relaxing...... The grounds are beautiful and everything tranquil. There is something special about being on the ranch..... I can not find the words to describe it.

I am excited to begin the 2 Star Instructor Course tomorrow..... runs for 2 weeks. So many highlights - Pat and Linda, Lessons with Walter, special courses, amazing people from all over the world. I treasure my time on the ranch and I soak up everything I can. Being inspired, educated and empowered by wonderful horses and humans!

I will attempt to blog as much as I can..... stay tuned. XO

Friday, January 14, 2011

Parelli Expo ~ Demo ~ Playday

Jan. 8, 2011 Marie Pruden, Rich Miller and myself donated our time and knowledge to a Parelli event with the intention of raising money for the Parelli Foundation Scholarship fund. This was the first in this area of 3 instructors teaming together to help give back to what developed all three of them through their horsemanship journeys. There were 50 plus people that turned out to watch and 20 plus horse and human partners that showed up to play! Triple Play and Follow Me Farms were gracious in hosting the event. I was amazed at how many people turned out that were brand new to Parelli Natural Horsemanship. It reminded me of when I was first introduced to the program. The appreciation received by everyone made me realized once again why I do what I do. We weathered snow flurries and blustery winds to help spread a little love, language and leadership. Please visit our sites to view more on our progress. www.mariepruden.com and www.dawnsroth.com We plan on offering another like event in the spring and we are sure there will be just as much support. Savvy on my dear friends, let's continue making the world a better place for horses and humans.
Warm Regards-

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Parelli Expo - Demo - Playday Jan 8

The response has been overwhelming! Quite unexpected to be honest... I have found so many people in the local area very interested in learning more about Parelli Natural Horsemanship...... Our big day Saturday should be quite a success!

We will kick off at 11am with Parelli Professionals demonstrating in the 4 savvys...... Open to everyone to audit no charge. Then at 1pm till dusk those that brought their partners will have an open format playday with free instructor coaching, games and fun.

Facilities are excellent, 2 fenced arenas, sand round pen, plenty of toys to play with (cones, tarps, balls, barrels, jumps, poles, bridge, pedestals)

We will have complimentary concessions stand and info available for pick up.
Donations appreciated and 100% will be given to the Parelli Foundation!

More information and directions on my website at www.dawnsroth.com

Outcomes and photos to come..... stay tuned... savvy on......